As most of my close friends know, I'm busy preparing final exam which are tomorrow and next monday. I'm truly sorry for those friends, I did not replied their messages and calls for about a weeks... Even so called Facebook, I did not opened for quite some times due to exam weeks and I'm surely know that most of my friends has been finding me throughout this months right? Sorry, for those who texted or called me last few weeks yet I did not replied and answered any of them. I was frustated about my Semester 2 Final Exam this weeks.. I truly apologise for those who I did not replied their messages and called, please forgive me. I am really hectic of my own life, just wish one day my prince charming would come to me and hold my hands and says 'Dear pretty, don't worry about anything and everything..Just focus on your exam and everything is fine, you have supports from me every single day when u feeling down'....
Love is not meant to be force, is meant to be feel. So appreaciate what you are and who are you going to be one day just like me my future conquer my world so I will not ever give up on my life and start to work out for my future which is be a Popular Chef and travel to France, Paris one day... With god bless, my wish would be fulfied one day .. I love you GOD :* <3 div="" nbsp="">

God : I am really proud to be one of the LEO CLUB MEMBER and I'm one of the Secretary of LEO CLUB BERJAYA UCH METRO.. Thank you god for giving me long life and good future to move on without anyone.. As Secretary of LEO CLUB BERJAYA UCH METRO, I'm going to thank you Lion Kenneth, Lion Alan, Mr.Ronald, Lion Marcus and LIONSS of Damansara Metro... Not only that, Im going to thanks my fellow friends Piggy Nalinan, Yuggie Raj, Ng Kim Ho Lester, Raynan Foo and those persons whom never failed to make me laugh when I'm feeling down... Thank you everyone for all your supports and care ... Love you to the bites XoXo <3 div="" nbsp="">
Time to study and stay tuned for my post after Final Exam :D