Saturday, January 30, 2010
Happy Birthday To You My Dear Eve Lauw~May God Bless You!!!Sometimes u help me , i really appreciate you alot!!Thx Eve Lauw!!! I love You.....(muckx)Sry late post....I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tag By Natasha~
1.Are you single? Yup
2.Are you happy? Not really
3.Are you bored? Yup
4.Are you fair? Maybe...
5.Are you indian? Nope....
6.Are you stupid? Nope...
7.Are you honest? At times.
8.Are you irish? No..
9.Are you nice? Maybe..
10.Are you asian? Yup
Ten Fact About Your Love1.Been in love? Yea..
2.Believe in love at first sight? Not really
3.Currently having a crush? Yup , i admire someone!
4.Hurt emotionally before? Yup.
5.Broken someone heart's before? No...
6.Have your heartbroken? Yup..
7.Like someone but keep in your heart? Yup..
8.Are you afraid of commitment? Yes..
9.Last person u hugged? Cant remember.
10.Last person u say ILYs? ~Secret~
This or That1. Love or lust? Love
2.Cats or Dogs? Dogs
3.Best friend or regular friend? Both!!!
4.Creamy or crunchy? Crunchy~
5.Pencil or pen? Both..
6.Wild night out or romance in? Both
7.Money or happiness? Both...
8.Night or day? Both
9.IM or phone? Both..
Have you ever1.Been caught sneaking out? Dunno
2.Seen a polar bear? Yes..
3.Done Something u R£G£R£T? Ofcuz..
4.Jumping? Jumping on wad..?
5.Eat food that is on the floor? Never..
6.Eat an entire Jaw breaker? Nope
7.Been Caught naked? No!
8.Wanted BF backed? Of course i wan!!!!
9.Cried because u lost a person forever? Yes!!!
10.Wanted to disapear? Yea..
Preference of love1.Smile or eyes? Both
2.Light or dark hair? Light
3.Hugs or kisses? Both
4.Shorter or taller? Taller
5.Intelligence or attraction? Both
6.Violent or pathetic? Pathetic
7.Older or younger? IDK.
8.Outgoing or quiet? Outgoing.....
9.Sweet or bad? Sweet~
Last.1.Last call u made? Venothini
2.Last hugged? Can't remember
3.Last hung out with? Friends
4.Last Work? None..
5.Last Talked To? Venothini
6.Last Texted? IDK..
7.Last Movie? Can't remember oso.. xD
8.Last Person or things u miss? Someone lah....
Tag 3 People To Do This Quiz:-
3.Jingz Wen
haiz sry arr guyz , i din on9 past tis few weeks..
cox it's too busy n stress luu...
ujian intervensi cumin , 21-25jan....
study hard guyz!
Good Luck Guyz For sitting PMR and SPM!!!!!