Wednesday, November 25, 2009
tmr i go port dickson wth family n cousins..........
i miss my cousins soooo much!
but in tis few days , i veri sad til no mood to eat....everytime , eat abit oni...
my mum ask , 'y? u on diet arr'?
i replied no la mummy...
haiz! i sad coz me n my bff end friendship n her spend our time bout 23month n 70years.
Monday, November 23, 2009

Yesterday me n my family watched 2012.....
it's awesome n scary.....
we watched bout 4pm till 6sumtin....
then after 6sumtin , i saw jasmine...too bad she can't saw me....'sad'
It tat all today...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
it's dedicated for you and only you in my heart 4eva....^_^I can't explain this , the sense u give me
Love at first sight , i never believe
whereupon the world , full of people
God let me know you , be friend wth you
Until i found out , that u've a lover with you
my little world , all crush into dust
Can you just listen to me , i love you more than anyone
oh please accept , the love i've for you
I wish i can be the one , you've always in love with care
Holding your hands , wish that you'll always be mine
Oh pls believe , believe i will love you til the end of the time
Far away , where no one will know
Do you know how many a days i have been thinking bout you
Because i've love you since the day i've known you
But theres this one little thing , i wanna tell you myself
This have been there , since the day i know you
I've always want ,want to be the angel you've dream
Let me be the one that you've always in love
oh pls believe , my love for you will always be the same
No matter how much it will hurt me
This love of mine , will always be in my heart^_^
Until one day , you have found out
that i was always there in distance , where u cannot see 'yeah not letting you know'
No matter how hard i dream being wth u, but bless you happy forever...
Love eu! ^_^
Monday, November 16, 2009

Sry guys , i noe is abit blur but it's in my heart 4eva....

teacher , i m sooooo sry to u if i hurt ur feeling n heart.....
( u r always my best and dearest teacher, miss you)
Today is post is specially for my best teacher cik fadzlyna!!!
miss eu! hehe
Poems : -I can't explain this , the sense u give me
Love at first sight , i never believe
whereupon the world , full of people
God let me know you , be friend wth you
This have been there , since the day i know you.
Teacher , miss u alot...
take care ya!
Kelvin Chong Family ^_^
My best cousins n babys...(miss eu)
Me , Cheryl and Hui Woon...... (miss eu)
Hui Woon's birthday last time
Lee Khang is a gud driver...hahaha
Cutie Calrence ( i miss eu ) ^_^
Calrence and the cutie babys^_^
Calrence and Lee Khang ( jie miss eu all )
Calrence and Lee Khang
Both princes wth daddy...
Lee Khang and daddy......
Today i m gonna post sum pics 4 u guyz too see......
Is my family photos......i reali love and miss them very much......
Tis holiday , i am going 2 meet them....hahhahaha(wait 4 me)
ok , tat all from me.....
bye n take care guyz!
muckx n luv ya
finally my exam are over..........
ok , dun talk bout the result's bad.....
masa i take my math paper 2 result , i cry 4 a whole nite til i din eat cause i veri sad.......
tmr exam is sivik n seni...after that can relax n rest ady.....i veri hapi......
but the result make me sad............haiz!
can sum1 help me??????
no mood to blogging........( i update coz too long no blogging ady,i dun wan my blog to death..hahaha)
bye n take care!