haiz , finally i had finish 4 projects. The 4 projects tat i have done are Sivik , KGT , Science ( Peka ) & Seni. I stil got Sejarah project. ( mayb) . This few weeks holiday i can finish my projects..haha... To all my fwenx who not yet finish projects , try yr best to do finish ok? I can finish my project in one day.... I saw Natasha blog she so happy, went shopping wth her fwenx... After seeing her blog , i feel like goin out wth her & aiwen. But my mum won't let oo , she say now the H1N1 veri serious liao... Sad ! Nvm, i hope tis november can go out wth all my dearest fwenx......
Til here 1st lar.... Bye & take care ya... luv ya...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Today woke up at bout 10am. At 11am , i was doin my math tuition homework lolx. Haiz , after lunch i play computer a while. i was like checking my mails and checking my facebook. i found alot of things to shared with u all. 1st of all do u all know bout healing and cleansing with barley? I know 2day my post are too long for u all to read. But it 4 yr own good lolx. The story are begin like that, A lady found out from an Australian naturopath that barley is known to be a kidney cleanser and she happily downed glasses of it at a meal. Barley is good for yr intestinal health too . It 's high in fibre which feeds with friendly bacteria in the colon and helps speed up the transit of fecal matter in it. In this way , it helps to prevent haemorrhoids and colon cancer.For those who got diabetics should eat more barley as the fibre will prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high. It also provides relief from constipation or diarrhoea for those suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Futhermore , barley is rich in selenium which prevents cancer and relieves symptoms of asthma and arthritis. It is a good source of manganese , copper and phosphorous.
To : Micheal , Alan & Mei ling , soli 4 da interupted ya ( U all mus read this ) ....
It tat all 4 me... bye n take care ya.....
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Dancing latin american !!!! ( Quite nervous )
My make-up not so nice rite? ( The person at there help me make up de )
Group Picture of Dancing Latin American ! I got 2nd Place!!!! ( I was so happy on tat day) This is my Teacher. Her name is Teacher Jessie. hehe ! Mum , me & grandpa ( my eyes quite blur rite? ) Grandpa , me & Grandma Again ! Grandpa & grandma
I feel very boring. So i post my dancing pictures lolx... Dun laugh arrr....
Bye & Take Care Ya!!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
~ My exam is over ady lolx. ~ Yeah , damn hapi lar.. ~ Jing Wen birthday is tmr... ~ I wish her a veri hapi 15th birthday n may god bless u ya... ~ After the holiday, i was so scary of the result ya... ~ This few weeks , dunno wat to do? ~ Oh ya , stil got geografi project nt yet do oo...must do ady lar... ~ Finally , Happy Holiday To All My Best Fwenx & Dearest Fwenx... ~ Hehe!
~ bye ~ take care ya!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
~ 2day the exam is quite oklar... ~ For moral , quite easy.. ~ For math , quite hard oo.. ~ I reali hope i can pass this year exam ooo... ~ And my best fwenx natasha stil nt yet choi me oo. ~ i reali felt so soli to her..hope she 4give me ooo.. ~ Haiz, tmr exam k.hidup n seni... ~ haha, 4 seni i din read anything oo..sure tmr dunno anything one.... ~ oklar have to study ady...
~ Bye ! ~ Take Care Ya !
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
~ Today is the 1st day of exam... ~ Bm , quite oklar.. Not so easy and not so hard.... ~ BI, also ok lar..Same as BM. ~ For geografi , it qute hard abit.. ~ I hope i can pass it lolx. ~ Tmr exam Math & Moral. ~ Hah , nowadays many ppl sick liao... ~ So everyone be carefull ya.. ~ The H1N1 aso veri serious lolx... ~ Actuali 2day is my fwenx birthday , HAPI BIRTHDAY YA.... ~ HOPE U ALL THE BEST!
~ Take Care Ya! ~ Bye !
Thursday, August 13, 2009
~Haiz, exam is comin liao lolx. ~ Nid 2 study... ~ How arr? i think my best fwenx Natasha hate me ady.. ~ She dun reply me, sad.... ~ I reali dun wan 2 lost my best fwenx lar... ~ So soli 2 u Natasha ^^
~ Take Care Everyone Ya! ~ Bye!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Rules : Once u've been tagged , u r supposed to write a note with 96 truths about you. At the end , choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
WHAT WAS YOUR : - 1) last beverage = Plain water 2) last phone call = My fwenx ( Venothini ) 3) last text message = Lai wan 4) last song u listened to = Taylor Swift - Love Story 5) last time u cried = Monday
HAVE YOU EVER : - 6) Date someone twice = No 7) Been cheated on = Yes ( sometimes ) 8) Kissed someone and regretted it = No 9) Lost someone special = Yes 10) Been depressed = Yes ( sometimes ) 11) Been drunk and threw up = No
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS : - 12) Baby blue 13) Purple 14) Red THIS YEAR HAVE YOU ( 2009 ) : - 15) Made a new fwenx = Yes 16) Fallen out of love = No 17) Laughed til u cried = No 18) Met someone who changed you = Yes 19) Found out who yr true fwenx were = yes 20) Found out someone was talking bout you = Temporaly No 21) Kissed anyone on yr FB friend's list = No
GENERAL : - 22) How many people on your FB friend's list do u noe in real life = Dunno 23) Blank 24) Do u have any pets = No 25) Do u wan to chg yr name = No 26) What did u do for yr real birthday = have dinner with my family 27) What time did u wake up today = 6.45 am ( cause got school ) 28) What were u doing at midnight last night = Chatting with my fwenx ( can sleep lolx ) 29) Name something that u cannot wait for = PMR ( mayb ) 30) What is one thing that u wish u could change bout yr life = My attitudes gua! 31) What are you listening to right now = Taylor Swift - love story 32) Have u ever talk to a person named Tom = No 33) Most visited webpage = Facebook 34) Where do u want to be right now = Dunno ( mayb shopping centre ) 35) Nicknames = Summer Heart? Cutie Gurl? 36) Relationship Status = Single 37) Zodiac Sign = Cancer 38) Male or Famale? = Famale 39) Elementary = SMK Sri Bintang Selatan ( SKK ) 40) Blank 41) Hair Colour = Black 42) Long or Short = Long 43) Height = 153 44) Do u have a crush on so = Don't Know! 45) What do u like bout yourself = Everything! 46) Piercings ? = No 47) Tattoos ? = No 48) Righty or Lefty ? = Righty
FIRSTS : - 49) First Surgery = No 50) First Best Fwenx = Sandra Tan ( when primary 1 ) 51) First Kiss = Secret ( can't be told ) 52) First Vacation = Korea ? 53) Blank 54) First Crush = Secret Aso ( can't be told )
RIGHT NOW : - 55) Eating = Nothing 56) Drinking = Water 57) I'm bout to change = My Favourite Song? 58) Blank 59) Listening to = I'll be there - Micheal Jackson 60) Waitting For = PMR ( Scary )!!!
YOUR FUTURE : - 61) Want Kids? = Yes ! 62) Get Married = Yes ! 63) Career ? = Dunno Yet !
WHICH IS BETTER : - 64) Lips or Eyes = Lips 65) Hugs or Kisses = Hugs 66) Shorter or Taller = Taller 67) Older or Younger = Younger 68) Romantic or Spontaneous = Romantic 69) Nice stomach or Nice Arms = Nice Arms 70) Blank 71) Hook - up or Relationship = Relationship
HAVE YOU EVER : - 72) Kissed a stranger = No 73) Drank hard liquor = No 74) Lost Glasses = Nope 75) Blank 76) Sex on first date = No 77) Broken Someone's Heart = No 78) Had your own heart broken = Yes, Sometimes 79) Turned Someone Down = No 80) Cried When Someone Died = Yes 81) Fallen For a Fwenx = Haiz !
DO YOU BELIEVE IN : - 82) Yourself = Yes 83) Miracles = Yes 84) Love At First Sight = Yes 85) Heaven = Yes 86) God = Yes 87) Santa Claus = Emm , mayb 88) Blank 89) Kissed On The First Date = No 90) Angels = Yes
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY : - 91) Had More Than One Gf / Bf = Yes ( Oni One ) 92) Blank 93) Did You Sing Today = No 94) Ever Cheated On Somebody = Yes ( Sometimes ) 95) Are You Afraid Of Falling In Love With Someone Else = A Little Bit! 96) Posting This As 96 Truths = Yes
People I Tag : - 1) Jasmine Tan Xiu Yi 2) Ho Yen Teng 3) Chang Yi Hua 4) Christine 5) Joanne Leong Kah Yi 6) Natasha Seger 7) Sandy Tan Jing Wen 8) Sandra Tan Ai Wen 9) Raehana Rahim 10) Janice Lee 11) Liew Hui Qi 12) Vivian Lee Shian 13) Felicia Choong 14) Amanda Lee 15) Cindel Yong - If you were to notice , there are a few which are blanks so is not really 96 questions true rite ? ^-^
- Frauline - - Take Care Everyone - - Bye -
Hi. my name is Frauline and i'm currently residing in Malaysia. I'm about 16 years old and i love to blog.
there's still more about me.. it's for you to find out and for me to know
BOSCO&TAVIA upcoming face to fate land of wealth DICEY BUSINESS storm centered pool
Cadets On The Beat aka the academy II
The most beautiful seventh day
Devil's Disciple
wars of in laws[modern ver]