~ Tmr our school is closing.....
~ I think something bout H1n1.
~ I also dunno y i am so happy when i recieved tis news....
~ Hope all my fwenx are healthy ya....
~ Must take care everyone ya....
~ take care and bye.....
~ hello!
~ sad, cause edubox is end..
~ y lar suddenly so fast end the edubox?
~ it quite fun.....
~ If next year form 3, gt edubox again,
~ dunno wan to go or not leh?
~ dunno joanne, sze ye & celeste goin or no??
~ if they all go den i go lolx....
~ haiz! cause next year PMR mah....
~ oklar, hav to study......
~ bye and take care ya!!!
~ Today wen to school as usual....
~ notin was happen....
~ many student in our class never come....
~ dunno y?
~ haiz! so boring..........
~ actually i aso dunno post wat?
~ tel me wat should i do?
~ i think i should rest rite?
~ my cough and flu stil nt yet recover.....
~ but dunno y the fever suddenly wil come back.....
~ bye and take care everyone......
Mum admitted me to Pantai Cheras Medical Centre on Monday as I was having very high fever. I was on 7 packs of drip which contained sodium chloride & glucose. Everyday 2 tubes of blood is extraced from my veins for blood test for dengue. I met a very nice nurse, her name is Jacinta. She is kind and gentle. It brighten up my day when I receive a bouquet of flowers and fruit basket from Uncle Raymond and Aunty Cat. It contains my favourite fruits such as grapes and strawberry. Hey, but I always eat strawberry with ice-cream.... but will mum allow me to eat ice-cream at this point in time... she will obviously be screeming at top of her voice... hehehe. Anyway, I am glad to be back home and hope I will recover soon.
~ So stress arrrr...
~ Gt so many assignment....
~ Seni, Geografi, Science, Sejarah, K.hidup & Sivik...
~ The sivik project done....
~ Help me......
~ y suddenly all the project is coming.....
~ take care ya...
~ nid to do my hw liao....
~ bye...
~ This is micheal jackson last rehersal pictures..
~ Actually gt somemore pictures one...
~ But veri lazy to put....
~ I jux put half 1st k?
~ W8 arr the pictures....

~ Thx and Bye.....
~ Wait ya guys and gurlz....
~ What should i do?
~ so boring....
~ tagging?
~ Emm, should i post bout my bf punya biodata?
~ Emm, let me think? haiz^^
~ how arr? veri boring til death....
Can someone tel me?

~Happy Birthday Jasmine!!!
~May God Bless You...
~I love u ( as best fwenx 4 eva oni)!!!!
~Take care ya!!!!
~ Happy Birthday Jasmine Tan once again!!!
~ Love u....
~ Muackx
~ Actually today i dun wan to post cause i not feeling well..
~ I have a fever, bad cough & bad flu.....
~ I fever til 3 days ady.
~ Hmmm, maybe i am not goin to post this few days.
~ I heard the news say tmr our skool is closed,
but i dunno izit true....
~ So take care anyone ya...
~ Drink more water ya....
~ be careful of the HIN1 ya....
~ Bye