Monday, December 22, 2008
Woke up at 10.00 am, check my mails and found 1 very intresting email which i would like to share wth u guys and gals.BARLEY water was always a regular drink when we were still living at home.Whenever we had to go for a medical exam that included a urine test,my mum n my friend mum would make us drink barley water a day before it to make sure we got a positive result.My mum was a wise woman.Later i found out from an Australian naturopath tat barley is known to be a kidney cleanser,and he happily downed glasses of it at a meal we had in a coffeeshop here.Barley is good for yr intestinal health too.Try to eat the barley grains u find in yr drink or sweet broth wth beancurd skin and ginkgo nuts.In this way,it helps to prevent haemorrhoids and colon cancer.Barley is rich in selenium which prevent cancer symptoms of asthma arthritis.It is a good source of manganese,copper and phosphorous.Malt sugar comes from sprouted barley which ,when fermented,is an ingredient in beer and other alcoholic beverages.Barley, latin name is Hordeum vulgare, has been cultivated for more than 10.00 years.Besides the usual things we do wth barley,me n my frenz enjoy having it in a western soup.The larger pearl barley is used and i love the sticky bite of it.Last one thing i want to share to all of u tat ( Barley with lime is my favourite drink ). I got a question to ask all of u , Where was Barley made from? When u know the answer , pls say the answer in my cbox ok? Me n my frenz will be waiting for yr answer.
It that all for me today.Thanks n Merry Christmas to all of you.
Hav a nice days,Bye
Sunday, December 21, 2008
This morning i heard a sad real story from my best frends.She told me one of her frenz always miscarriage when the baby 2-3 months old for few times continuously in few years time.The couple went to check wth many doctors and lastly one of the doctor check on the death baby and found out the baby's body cells keeping die when baby growing up until he/she cannot be survived.This is because her uterus has been affected by HANDPHONE RADIOTION.The doctor told she has no chance to get baby no matter how because radiotion affected her uterus which the major portion of her uterus cells ady death,cannot carry healthy baby.All this because of she has been keeping her handphone in her working jacket which the position juz rite to the uterus position for few years time.Pls beware and take note the consequences is not worth.To all my dearest Frenz n Best Frenz,pls do not overlook the handphone radiation which will affect our healthy or body organs.Pls put away yr handphone when ever u don't need it much.For who is man or guy,pls do not keep yr handphone near to the kidney position and pants pocket as this will hurt and affect yr production if u plan to get baby.The other doctor aso advised another frenz to keep away handphone to her new born baby to avoid radiotion to baby's brain and cells.Do not let the baby play wth the handphone for long time.This is because the small young baby stil very fragile n most probably they cannot take the radiotion.Pls remind yourself,do not sleep together wth yr handphone or put next to yr bed.Keep away any other electronic goods ( such as tv aso ) which gt radiotion away from yr bedroom to reduce risk as we have to sleep few hours a day in our bedroom at night.Do not think tat u switch off the tv or radio,it will be no more radiotion actually it is still around in yr room.Care about yrself & yr love ones.
Thanks, it tat all for me today.Bye
Saturday, December 20, 2008

This is a true story (from my friend). Mum said my uncle saw it in Tunjang (Kedah) and the pasarmalam in Titi Chai Kangar (Perlis) where goreng pisang was sold onafternoons. The hawker added a plastic drinking straw into a wok of hotoil and let it melt completely before he started to fry some bananas in thebubbling oil. This is why some fried bananas and ubi are so crispy... for hours...!! My uncle asked the hawker about this, but the hawker did not answerhim. When my uncle told my mum about this, they realised this is how the hawkers ensure that fried food stays crispy for their customers. My mum said that in Thailand , they do the same thing to keep fried ikan bilis and fried onions crispy, even if left in the open for hours!! Another time, I was with my family in Cameron Highlands . It was 3:00pm and we were hanging around the market area, where there were several hawker stalls... At one of them, there was a big wok of boiling oil with an empty plastic bottle floating in it and slowly melting. At first I thought it had fallen into the oil accidentally, but then I saw a little girl,about 7-years old, holding a pair of chopsticks and stirring the bottle around in the hot oil. I realised, Oh my God... these people were using melted plastic to fry food, so that the fried snacks would not turn soft when it cooled down later.Thanks, it tat for all. Bye
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hi Everyone,Want to eat this cake?
Wedding Cake & Sweets
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Subject: Breast cancer from drinking water left in the car.
Don't drink your water when its left in the car (in the sun)WARN YOUR FRENZ N OTHER PPL WHO U KNOWBottled water in your car.......... very dangerous, woman!!!!This is how Sheryl Crow got breast cancer.She was on the Ellen show and said this same exact thing.
This has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels in breast cancer, especially in Australia.A friend whose mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The Doctor told her: women should not drink bottled water that has been left in a car.The doctor said that the heat and the plastic of the bottle have certain chemicals that can lead to breast cancer. So please be careful and do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car, and, pass this on to all the women in your life.This information is the kind we need to know and be aware and just might save us!!!! The heat causes toxins from the plastic to leak into the water and they have found these toxins in breast tissue. Use a stainless steel Canteen or a glass bottle when you can!!!